How To Make: Mini Tortilla Wrap Pizzas

I love experimenting with recipes- although (as you can probably tell from this site), it's usually baking. However, once in  a while I will try a new savoury recipe. Although not many make it on to this site (apart from stand-out creations like these puff pastry twists), some things are just too clever/ convenient/ tasty not to share. These mini tortilla wrap pizzas are one of those things. Whenever we have meals like fajitas, there is always a wrap or two left over and we never know what to do with them. After googling some recipes, I found this ingenious way to use up these spare wraps that would otherwise be thrown away or go off. These yummy pizzas make for a super quick and easy lunch and are so incredibly more-ish. Plus they are great as party food snacks that will leave your guests happy without creating cooking stress for you!

Two wraps makes 10-12 pizzas.

Although you can chuck any of your favourite pizza toppings on, I used the following ingredients:

Two tortilla wraps
1/4 jar tomato pizza topper
5 slices of chorizo
2 slices of ham
A sprinkling of grated cheese

1. Firstly, preheat your oven to about 180 degrees centigrade. I used a cupcake baking tray to cook these as I found it easier but you could use any baking tray.

2. Next (here is the truly genius part), you may be wondering how I got these pizzas to be perfectly circular. If you have any used and empty tins or cans, wash one out thoroughly, dry it and use the lid-end as a makeshift cookie cutter (or wrap cutter). Gently pressing it into the wrap and giving it a wiggle will cut the perfect circle shape for your pizzas and ensure they are all even and equal sizes. Pop each mini wrap circle into the cupcake space (you will find that they fit perfectly once you get them balanced!).

3. Gently spread a little bit of the pizza topper on each of the circles, being careful not to be too heavy handed or the wrap will be pressed and fall into the cupcake hole! Then sprinkle the cheese on and add whatever pizza toppers you want, whether this be meats or vegetables- these can be switched up and changed according to your taste. I think you are supposed to put the cheese on first but I clearly got too excited and left it til last. You could try adding a bit of mozzarella for an extra cheesy treat.

4. Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes of until the wrap and cheese start to go slightly golden. Leave to cool very slightly (just so they aren't piping hot) and then serve.

I must add a warning- you can't just have one of these. They are so tasty yet so easy to make and can only include a few ingredients depending on which toppings you add. It's also a fun and creative recipe to make with children. Let me know if you give them a go!

Pretty and Polished


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