I Took A Mini-Break From Blogging (And It Was A Fantastic Decision)

Once in a while, life gets a bit too much and you need to take a step back in order to focus on what is important to you. This could include slightly neglecting your hobbies, as more testing issues make themselves a priority and leave you little or no time to practice the things you love doing in your spare time. Unfortunately, a busy week forced me to put blogging to one side for the past week, but the time away from this site was actually refreshing!

Over the past week I've moved house, travelled home, had an interview for a law training contract and worked non-stop at my part-time job over the weekend. My evenings have been filled with catching up with friends (which was much needed!), relaxing, and ingesting as many carbs as possible after long, busy days. No posts were written, very few photographs taken, and no social media was scheduled; mainly because there was no more hours left in my day for me to do so. And you know what? I am still exhausted, but I have loved this mini-break from blogging.

Although every single day I had a short stress about frantically putting some last-minute content up, I held myself back and let my days go by without being consumed by this website. I enjoyed not beating myself up over having writer's block, I loved not having to stare at a screen for a few hours after a long shift, I cherished getting to spend sometime with my family and friends without having to excuse myself because I need to run off and write a post or two. I put a ridiculous amount of pressure on myself to keep this blog ticking over.

The competitive nature blogging has assumed has made me terrified that if I go a week without posting, my blog will get lost amongst a sea of new sites appearing every day and will sit in cyberspace stagnating. Having the past week off has made me realise that this is not the case, and if it is, it doesn't matter anyway. There are bigger things in life, there are more important things to stress over other than 'OMG I NEED TO WRITE/EDIT/SCHEDULE FRIDAY'S POST'. Blogging is my hobby, and will remain that way. I study full-time, have future law job applications to complete, and juggle a hectic part-time job ON TOP of managing this one-man-band site. Sometimes it is just too much, and if we continue putting this insane pressure on ourselves, we will simply break down.

While I should probably start creating content every day if I want to see my blog becoming more and more successful, I simply CANNOT manage it. Success would be nice, but I'm more than happy toddling along at my own pace, putting my health, job and future job as a lawyer first. A hobby is something you do for fun, and when it becomes a nuisance, stressful and interfering with other aspects of your life, that's when things go wrong. Having a week out put things in perspective; while I love blogging, it is not everything and prioritising is certainly necessary in life!

Have you had blogging breaks? How did you feel? I'd love to hear your views.

Pretty and Polished



  1. This is all so true! It's so easy to get trapped in the circle of forcing out content, but 'blog for you' must be remembered! :) I had a family break in Wales last week where there was no internet and it felt FAB! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. Thanks Karen! A break from the internet is much-needed sometimes! x

  2. It's so good to take a step back from time to time :) Glad it worked out well for you.

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you! It definitely refreshes your perspective x

  3. YOU TOOK ONE WEEK OFF? QURL, I TOOK TWO MONTHS OFF ONCE (and my current blogging schedule is piss poor too) and though I think blogging is important, we all need to step back sometimes and get our sht sorted out. Happy Vanessa = happy posts. I hope your law training interview thingamajig went ok? Take breaks if you need to. Not the end of the world. People who enjoy your blog will always come back...


    1. Haha! Thanks Vanessa! Very true- there's no point getting stressed over blogging as it'll just lead to poor content. x


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